For most transactions, we do not charge a fee as many lenders are willing to pay us for assisting them with a qualified client. This is not the case for smaller loans, so instead we typically charge a small fee. Unfortunately, we do not have any lenders that will entertain transactions under $75,000.
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There are typically 2 types of small SBA loans.
“Good” Loans Under 250K
For “good” loans (good credit, good cash flow, etc.) that are under 250K we have lenders that offer outstanding terms - in some cases a low 25 year fixed rate.
“Harder” Loans Under 250K
We also have lenders who will do the harder, smaller transactions like imperfect credit, less than adequate cash flow, turnarounds etc., however most lenders typically offer a slightly higher rate for those types of loans.
Frequently this also means a floating rate at the Prime Rate + 2.75%. While not a low fixed rate, sometimes this is the right loan if it is solving one or multiple problems for your business such as paying off higher interest/shorter term debt or getting you much needed working capital.
This could also be a temporary loan as loans of 15 years or less do not have a prepayment penalty - which means you can refinance at any time - and loans of longer than 15 years allow you to refinance after just 2 years with a 1% prepayment penalty or after 3 years with no penalty.
Please feel free to contact us using the form below should you need assistance with a loan under 250K.
Please note that in either case above, we do not have any lenders that offer 100% financing on loans 250K or under.
You can call us at 1-800-414-5285
Please also note: investment properties (multi-family apartments, etc) are not eligible for SBA funding.
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Contact A Loan Specialist
Green Commercial Capital
300 Colonial Center Pkwy Suite 100
Roswell, GA 30076